From Niš comes Code Alkonost: Awakening, a game inspired by Slavic mythology

Aleksandar Jovanović,
Creative Director, Alkonost Team
One of the most important moments for any indie team is the release of their first game. One such moment was recently experienced by the Alkonost Team from Niš, and we talked with their Creative Director, Aleksandar Jovanović, about Code Alkonost: Awakening, the first achievement of this studio.

In our indie scene, there are often lull periods, with no new games for several months. And then January arrives, and two titles come out in one day, among which is Code Alkonost: Awakening.

Alkonost Team is a small studio from Niš that embarked on a not-so-small undertaking – to create a survival adventure with four hours of gameplay in Unreal Engine 5. Code Alkonost: Awakening seeks to capture the dark and mystical core of the Middle Ages and present it through a series of symbols that will enrich the game’s visuals, but also influence the choices the player must make on behalf of the protagonist Vera. Gameplay is based on stealth mechanics and puzzle solving, both challenging the player’s intellect.

On the occasion of the release of the game, we spoke with its Creative Director, Aleksandar Jovanović, who will soon present Code Alkonost: Awakening to our community live, at the first meetup of the year!

SGA: What is the story behind the Alkonost Team?

Aleksandar: Alkonost Team was born from the desire to combine the love for video games, mythology and storytelling. We started as a small team of enthusiasts, and now we are united around Code Alkonost: Awakening, a game inspired by Slavic mythology. Our team currently consists of Vladimir and Ognjen as 3D Artists, Lazar as the Animator, Igor and Jovan as Programmers, and me, Aleksandar, who coordinates the project.

In the last few months, we have all been working from the office full-time on the project, which has allowed us to significantly speed up the development of the game and improve its quality. Also, our team has expanded in the Americas – Kenneth Lopez has joined us, helping us with our presence in the international market and developing a strategy for the game’s global success.

SGA: Why did you decide that the story of the game Code Alkonost: Awakening took place in the world of Slavic mythology?

Aleksandar: Slavic mythology is incredibly rich, but underrepresented in the gaming industry. When we started researching, we realized that there was huge potential for a story full of mystery, magic and epic conflicts. In addition, we wanted the game to be authentic and for players to discover parts of our cultural heritage through it in an exciting way.

SGA: What other elements of Slavic and Serbian heritage did you include in the game? We heard that there is even a localization in the Old Slavic language!

Aleksandar: Yes, Old Slavic is one of the elements we are proud of! In addition, we use authentic motifs from Slavic myths, legendary creatures like Rusalka, characters inspired by Slavic gods and heroes from folk tales. Also, we try to visually and sonically evoke the atmosphere of ancient Slavic villages and sanctuaries.

„Old Slavic is one of the elements we are proud of! In addition, we use authentic motifs from Slavic myths, legendary creatures like Rusalka, characters inspired by Slavic gods and heroes from folk tales. Also, we try to visually and sonically evoke the atmosphere of ancient Slavic villages and sanctuaries," says Aleksandar Jovanović.

SGA: Dejan Stojiljković, an award-winning writer from Niš, also collaborated with you on the script. What did this collaboration look like and why was it important to you?

Aleksandar: Dejan helped us give depth and authenticity to the story. His experience in writing historical novels was key to building the atmosphere and dialogues. It was inspiring to work with him because through his perspective we were able to further enrich the narrative and ensure that the game is not only fun but also striking.

SGA: For this game, you received the support of the Innovation Fund within the Smart Start program. How useful was this to you and do you have any advice for other indie teams thinking about applying to similar contests?

Aleksandar: Smart Start’s support pushed us, allowed us to gather a team and improve the game prototype. My advice to other indie teams is to not be afraid to apply for these competitions. The key is to have a clear plan and vision of the project but also to be ready to adapt and learn during the process.

SGA: Since working on the prototype of this game was a learning platform that ended with the original idea being rejected, can you tell us what the main lessons were for you as a team?

Aleksandar: The biggest lesson was that iteration is key to success. Work on the prototype lasted two years, during which we constantly experimented with different mechanics and game design. The original version of the game did not have a strong enough focus, so we had to rethink the basic principles of the design and the story, which forced us to make difficult but necessary decisions. We realized that it is not enough to just have a good idea – its realization and adaptability during development are key.

Also, we learned how important it is to have a well-organized team with clearly defined roles and realistic expectations regarding the pace of work. Keeping the balance between creativity and efficiency was another lesson – sometimes you have to give up certain ideas in order to keep the overall project moving in the right direction.

SGA: When you posted your Steam page on the SGA Discord, there was extensive feedback from the community. How useful has it been for you and how important do you generally feel it is to get feedback in the game development process and afterwards?

Aleksandar: Publishing our game on SGA Discord was an extremely rewarding decision as we received a wide range of feedback. The SGA community is very engaged and constructive, and their comments helped us see things from a different perspective.

Of course, all feedback should be taken with a grain of salt, because it depends on who gives it and from what perspective it comes. Some comments helped us address key issues, while others were subjective and did not require immediate changes. It’s important to find a balance between listening to the community and staying true to your vision of the game.

SGA: Now that your first game is out, what’s next for the Alkonost Team?

Aleksandar: We plan to further improve the game through DLCs and new content, but also to start work on the next project. We already have ideas to test, and we aim to stay true to our approach – making games with a deep, atmospheric story and a strong visual identity.

SGA: Thank you, Aleksandar, for the talk! We can’t wait for February 6th to see and hear more at the Winter Meetup!