Your career
in gaming
Research that we have conducted among our members shows that Serbia currently employs more than 2100 people in the video game industry, while over 60% of our members plan to further expand their teams. The industry is in need of diverse talent: developers and artists, business development experts, testing and customer support, marketing experts, monetization, sound design, community management, sales, promotional activities… Our community is always available to help anyone who is just starting out, while SGA is constantly working to improve educational, training and networking opportunities.
If you are planning a career in the largest and fastest-growing entertainment industry, we want to introduce you to all the opportunities that await you. Whether you are attracted to working on AAA titles or making the next indie hit, it is important to understand in time what options are available, so that you would direct the development of your skills in the right direction. You can see all currently open positions in the Serbian gaming industry on our SGA Jobs platform.
Probably everyone who played video games as a child at one point thought they would like to make games, or come up with some of their own after an adventure on Sega, Sonia, Amiga, PC, Arcade, or some other machine. Once upon a time, the development and programming of games were just as elusive as the possibility of being astronauts or secret agents. Today, the situation is far different, and developers of all kinds can easily find practice and employment in the diverse gaming industry. Experienced developers advise you to:
Game artists are in charge of everything that is visible in a game – characters, vehicles, environment, scenery, materials, user interface, animations, trailers, concept art, lighting… No matter if it is all done in 2D or 3D style. We should not forget the tech artists who approach the game from another angle, combining the artistic and programming part, pay attention to the performance and optimization of the set or create tools for artists.
Because of this wide scope, it is recommended that you decide in due time what interests you the most. A career in game art is increasingly attracting artists from other industries because it allows your work to take on a fourth – interactive dimension. Cooperation with all other team members makes the entire process even more interesting.
Sound design
What gives a special dimension to any gaming project is everything a player can hear, be it music, sound effects or character dialogue. The sound quality can turn a mediocre game into a good one, or spoil the experience of a game with great mechanics.
There are different levels of sound in each game, which leaves a lot of room for both sound designers and musicians to develop their creations and to incorporate these soundtracks into the game experience through different programs and the game engine. Some studios pay so much attention to the sound that soundtrack albums of certain games are often released.
Game design
When we say game design, some people initially think of the visual design of a game, while some think of programming. However, what is really meant here is the creation of the very concept of the game and its essence. What is this game about? What does the player actually do in it and in what way?” These issues are addressed by the game designer.
Designing a game concept involves designing the goals, rules, and challenges in video games through the creation of specific mechanics, levels, tasks and puzzles. Game design, in addition to creating mechanics, also deals with the design of the story, dialogues and the entire narrative. In smaller teams, game designers also deal with other aspects such as programming or art production, while in larger ones they are exclusively focused on game design, or even specialize in certain segments.
Biz dev
In order for a game to have a better chance of achieving success and generating revenue for a company or indie studio, it is essential that there is at least one person on the team whose role is to focus on the commercial development of the product and the company. This position is most often called Biz Dev, and has very broad responsibilities, with an emphasis on identifying and realizing opportunities that will enable the team to better place and monetize the game.
During game development, Biz Dev is in charge of market analysis, game positioning and finding strategic partners including publishers, which can have a huge impact on a game’s commercial success. Once a game is released, Biz Dev’s role is to create new, or improve existing game revenue sources through partnerships, sales and licensing. As the game develops and grows, so does the opportunity to scale all these activities.
Over the past few years, some new professions have emerged within gaming. Esport is now already known for professional players and transfers like those in classic sports. Streamers and other content creators are an unavoidable part of this online sphere of gaming, and don’t forget that there are also those who report on all this and cover all news and news from gaming – journalists and bloggers.
In addition to gaming studios, there are a number of companies that provide support in various service industries – cloud, QA and testing, trailer and video production, marketing, analytics, user acquisition and many other areas.