Centili is active in the digital payments and monetization sector which, very logically, has numerous touchpoints with the activities of gaming companies operating on the global market, especially when it comes to digital billing and monetization. The company is present in Great Britain, Malaysia, China and many other countries, and what is especially relevant for cooperation with SGA is their experience in the markets od the Far East, as well as their extensive experience in dealing with mobile payments and digital currencies. In the coming period, Centili intends to further develop its PaaS (platform as a service) for managing the digital payment system, as well as the development of innovative solutions for “conversational commerce”, i.e. omnichannel sales solutions within various communication channels.

Centili has just celebrated its first 10 years of operations, so SGA sincerely congratulates the company and the entire team, and wishes them a warm welcome to the SGA community!