COVID-19 pandemic has affected different segments of our lives. It has also impacted every aspect of the video game industry, from how we play them to how they are being developed and financed. Video games were one of the most attractive sources of entertainment during the lockdown and the entire video game industry recorded an incredible growth in April and May. This should be considered a huge motivation for all game developers.
On the other hand, the pandemic caused the cancellation of almost all international conferences. These new circumstances represent a big challenge for game creators looking for funding for their projects. Publishers are in a similar position since the lack of direct communication with developers causes slower decision-making processes. Networking on conferences ceased to exist. Organizers transferred their events to the digital environment, focusing on various forms of webinars and other online events. It seems that in this situation both sides lose, so we are facing a period of adaptation to the new situation.
When presenting a prototype or a game idea in the digital environment, the communication strategy drastically differs from traditional pitching at conferences in a relaxed environment of hotel lobbies in San Francisco, Cologne, Malmo, Dubrovnik, and other cities. With a good game and a bit of charm, developers were able to create opportunities. Nowadays, if you pitch your game online, besides your great game, you’ll need a strong pitch deck. The goal of the pitch deck is to articulate the game idea, to define its position in the global market, and to demonstrate a business opportunity to a publisher or investor. All of that – in just two or three minutes.
Since the summertime is the ideal time for preparations for the upcoming global online events (check the SGA Calendar), our member GameBiz Consulting decided to help indie developers prepare better for what is coming. Their experienced business development team offers free-of-charge consultancy for the creation of pitch decks. Developers can apply using the contact form on their website. In addition, SGA members will have the opportunity to schedule a call with the GameBiz team to discuss different aspects of pitching, strategies, and tricks.
You can find more about GameBiz Consulting on their official website.