During its first five years of operation, the SGA, as the leading organization in the Serbian video game production sector and other related services, has implemented numerous initiatives aimed at creating the best possible environment for game development in Serbia. This includes supporting companies and studios, talent development, collaboration with the educational sector, internationalization, and fostering international cooperation and integration with other complementary sectors.
Since 2018, the SGA has been operating as a non-profit association with a seven-member Governing Board comprised of experienced “C-Level” professionals from the domestic industry. The Governing Board is elected every two years, with three members remaining from the previous term, and the Assembly selecting four new members.
This year’s Annual Assembly of the SGA took place on April 20 at the Balkan Cinema as a prelude to the organization’s fifth-anniversary celebration. Out of seven nominations received, the assembly members selected four new members of the Governing Board: Adam Kovač (Solutions Specialist, 3Lateral/Epic Games), Milica Petrović Jakovljević (Head of HR, Webelinx Games), Vanja Knežević (Co-founder, Euclidean Studios), and Sanja Žugić (Director of Culture and Engagement, Playstudios Europe). They will participate in the work of the SGA until the spring of 2025, together with three members from the previous term: Marija Ilić (Chair of the Board of SGA), Nikola Čavić (Gamebizz Consulting), and Mihajlo Jovanović Džaril (Founder, Fortuna Esports).
During its first meeting, the Governing Board selected its prominent members, including Marija Ilić, who remains as the President, Sanja Žugić as Vice President, and Adam Kovač as Secretary. The composition of the Governing Board once again represents the domestic industry well, including both larger and smaller companies working on mobile, PC, and service projects. The companies come from Belgrade, Novi Sad, and Niš, as the main hubs, and nearly half of the Governing Board is composed of women.
In addition to the Governing Board, the work and activities of the Association are led and implemented by the Executive Team, currently consisting of six members (compared to only three a year ago), along with several external collaborators.
You can find the biographies and composition of the entire Governing Board and Executive Team on the SGA website.
Congratulations to the new members on their election, and we look forward to collaborating over the next two years!