During the summer of 2022, he initiated the pilot "supercluster" Creative Tech Serbia, led by SGA. He brought together more than 20 different partners, including companies, startups, academic institutions, and other stakeholders in the innovation and creative industries ecosystem. The pilot supercluster is supported by the Serbia Innovates project conducted by ICT Hub in Belgrade, with the support of USAID.

The supercluster is a model in which small and medium-sized enterprises collaborate intensively with startups, investors, universities, and other institutions with the aim of accelerating innovation development in a specific area. At the same time, it synergistically addresses the biggest challenges faced by all actors in the innovation and technology ecosystem, facilitating knowledge exchange and creating new value.

Superclusters create new opportunities, encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and address challenges that their members cannot overcome independently. Research results have shown that four domains have the highest potential for development: agro-tech, med-tech, web3, and gaming/VR.

This is how the Creative Tech Serbia supercluster was formed, selected in this competition as the representative supercluster for the gaming/VR domain. Between June 2022 and 2023, the supercluster implemented dozens of activities identified and designed through a collaborative process involving all partners.


  • “Mature” companies (3 Lateral/Epic Games, Two Desperados, Nordeus, Mad Head Games, and Playstudios Europe),
  • Startups (Webelinx Games, Fortuna Esports, Digital Arrow, Gamebiz Consulting, Bunker VFX, Flathill Games),
  • Formal educational institutions (Faculty of Dramatic Arts Belgrade, University Metropolitan Belgrade, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš),
  • Non-formal educational organizations (Crater Training Center, Center for the Promotion of Science, Nordeus Foundation),
  • Civil society organizations (Film in Serbia/CGA Belgrade, Data Science Conference, Petlja Foundation),
  • Government institutions (Science and Technology Parks in Niš and Čačak),
  • Companies such as Deloitte Serbia and the law firm Karanović&Partners, which will provide expert support.


Ostvareni su impresivni rezultati u podršci razvoju gejming industrije u Srbiji, uključujući više od 4000 učesnika u različitim aktivnostima.

Održane su 3 uspešne trejd misije sa 20 timova i učesnika, dok je za 5 pilotiranih aktivnosti obezbeđeno finansiranje za naredni period, uključujući konferenciju For the WinPilot ciklus biznis mentorstvaUnreal dayGamification i Soft Skills  akademiju.

Ukupno je realizovano preko 20 različitih aktivnosti sa preko 80 sesija, obuhvatajući i 4 gejming track-a na različitim konferencijama – CGA BelgradePANDORAStudije video igara i SPLET  kao i prvu ikad izložbu indie igara u Beogradu. Učesnici su imali priliku da se povežu sa više od 100 izlagača i predavača.

Impressive results have been achieved in supporting the development of the gaming industry in Serbia, involving more than 4000 participants in various activities.

Three successful trade missions were held with 20 teams and participants, and funding was secured for five pilot activities for the upcoming period. These activities include the conference For the Win, a Pilot cycle of business mentoring, Unreal Day, Gamification, and Soft Skills Academy.

In total, over 20 different activities were implemented, comprising more than 80 sessions, including 4 gaming tracks at various conferences – CGA Belgrade, PANDORA, Video Game Studies, and SPLET, as well as the first-ever exhibition of indie games in Belgrade. Participants had the opportunity to connect with over 100 exhibitors and speakers.

Through support from various programs, 20 teams/organizations received assistance, while 2 educational institutions received equipment for new educational programs related to gaming. Additionally, through collaboration between educational institutions and the industry, a new product was developed, and a unique webpage listing all games produced in Serbia was created.

Moreover, the Shift 2 Games concept was implemented, including a web platform, TV show, and Career Day events. Over 20 new partnerships have been established to further support the development of the creative-tech sector in Serbia, and a plan for the first gaming accelerator in the region has been created. Furthermore, a proposal to amend the law for the import of dual-use goods (dev kits) was developed.

The fact is that these activities came directly from the supercluster members, as genuine and real needs of the ecosystem that we endeavored to address in the best possible way.
They would not have been realized without the support of all supercluster members, but also without the dedicated work of the Serbia Innovates team, who stood by us every step of the way, as well as USAID, which recognized the necessity of this type of support.